2022 Vacation Bible School

Join us on the Kookaburra coast, Sunday, July 17 through Thursday, July 21, for an epic Australian adventure where kids discover unique destinations and exotic animals, complete with jeep excursions, kangaroos in the outback, and the Great Barrier Reef. God’s glorious handiwork in Australia will lead to students seeing His life-changing glory through adventures with Moses. Like Moses, they will never be the same!. We begin each night at 6:30 and we’ll be done at 8:30.

In addition to classes, games, crafts, and surprises for children from 4 years of age through high school, parents and other adults will enjoy their own Bible study. Our nurseries will open, too, so that Mom and Dad can take advantage of these practical, Biblical classes.

You can register your child now with our convenient online registration form. As always, Vacation Bible School at Bible Baptist Church is free of charge.

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