About Us

Our primary goal at Bible Baptist Church is to glorify God through the clear teaching of His word and by loving service to others.

We gather each week to worship Him by singing, praying, giving, and hearing the preaching of His word, the Bible. We’re glad that you have chosen to join us today.

We SING the traditional hymns of our faith and songs that turn our hearts toward Him. Our music is doctrinally sound because we are instructed to teach one another through song.

We PRAY for one another, our community, and our nation. We pray for the lost to come to Christ and for each of us to become more like Him.

We GIVE to further the work of the ministry, here at Bible Baptist Church and through missions endeavors around the world. We do not expect our guests to feel any obligation to participate in our offerings.

We focus on the PREACHING of Scripture because it is our only means of knowing God. We believe every word of it to be inspired, therefore it is our supreme authority in all matters of our faith, our lifestyles, and our decisions.

In addition to the preaching from the pulpit, we have various Bible Study opportunities for adults as well as classes for children. We use the King James Version in all of our services.