Different By Design

In a world that is increasingly becoming more and more anti-Christian and where truth is relative how do we decide what is right and wrong. Does the government decide? Do our teachers tell us? Do we just have to decide for ourselves? In different by design teens will learn answers to important questions such as why are we here, where did we come from, how are we to act and live, why do bad things happen, where do we go when we die and much more!

While are world says truth is whatever you believe it to be I believe this line of thinking to be flawed. You and I cannot believe two very different things and both be right. For example if you believe murder is wrong and I believe it is acceptable (which I don’t by the way the bible clearly teaches it is wrong) we cannot both be right. In this case everyone agrees but in other cases such as gender identity or creation or race or even how to get to heaven not so much. At the end of the day however everyone does believe in absolutes where we differ is who gets to decide what is absolute. The world teaches you get to decide or other smart people get to decide for you but people are flawed and make mistakes God however, doesn’t make mistakes and therefore he should be the one who decides what is absolute and he has recorded that for us in his word the Bible. Through this series teens will learn from the bible what God teaches on every issue of life and find out that God created them just the way they are for a reason and longs to have a personal relationship with them.

It is my hope and prayer that each and every teen that comes to Bible Baptist Church will leave surrendered to God knowing what they believe and why they believe it. I encourage you to get your teen involved here and invite your neighbors and friends to join also because the word of God is the power of salvation Romans 1:16 and the word of God will truly change lives for the better! 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

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