Teen LockIn

Attention to all Teens! We will be having a LockIn activity at Bible Baptist Church this coming Friday, January 10. Event will start at 7pm and end at 7 am Saturday morning. This is always a fun activity and we will start off the night with ice skating and bowling before heading back to the church for a full night of various games and activities. A delicious pizza dinner will be provided with chips and drinks as well as popcorn from our very own movie theater popcorn maker! Cost is $25 and includes a meal, skating for 2 hours, and 2 rounds of bowling. We ask that each teen bring a sleeping back and pillow just incase we decide to sleep but chances are we will be staying up all night. You won’t want to miss this. We will also having a devotional at the beginning of the night as well so invite your friends or family who are teenagers to and get them to come with you!
